Corpse Water
Corpse water can be found in many different cultures around the world. It is traditionally the water the corpse has been bathed in and is then consumed by their loved ones to keep their spirit with them. This was adapted by magic folk to consume the others power. Today however there is no need to CONSUME it, we can just use it in our workings. Most commonly you will find it is water collected from graveyards as human bodies are kinda difficult to come by and works similar to graveyard dirt. However I happen to have a few human body parts hanging around ( legally of course ) so my corpse water is perfection. I also have a working relationship with the bones in use so can guarantee they are witch friendly. Human bone and graveyard dirt mixed with graveyard rain water is pretty potent stuff. Fantastic in necromancy workings which includes most forms of divination you may do. Excellent for feeding your Bones and tools and adds powerful protection to warding and baneful workings.